Frequently Asked Questions
You are required to provide us with minimum 2 hour notice if you are not able to attend an allocated shift for any reason.
You can call our office number below 24/7.
If you have any concerns regarding your pay, you can contact your consultant first. Your concern will then be relayed to the Accounts department, and they will get in touch with you.
It is best to give us a call to inform us of any shift changes. Please call the number below:
There are jobs that require work over the weekend with a different pay rate. The same goes for jobs with night shifts.
This depends on what the company requires. Usually, you would just need to wear a hi-vis top with safety shoes.
We recruit for the following industries: Click to learn more!
You can submit your CV here
You can also view our open jobs on our job board
Level 9/10 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000.
We also have offices in Springvale and interstate.
All Chandler Personnel staff are required to clock in and out through the mobile app when you arrive onsite. Please be sure to add your meal break before you clock out. You will only be able to clock in and out while onsite.
To clock in on your app, you must be at the worksite. Please make sure your location services are enabled for the Chandler Services app and that you are at the correct location.
If you still cannot clock in, please contact us on the number below.
Our pay cycle runs from Monday to Sunday. Any hours you work from a Monday to Sunday in any given week will be paid the following Thursday.
You will receive your Payslip via email. If you have not received your payslip by 17:30 on Tuesday, please get in contact with our payroll department by 12 PM.
Manual Time Sheets – Please note that this is only for selected clients. Unless advised by a consultant, please do not have manual timesheets signed off and approved by your supervisor. If you are advised to complete a manual timesheet, please make sure your timesheets are always signed by a supervisor and filled in correctly.
Any mistakes may lead to your pay being incorrect or delayed.
If the client requires you to complete an electronic timesheet and you are unable to clock in and out through the system, please advise the supervisor and Chandler immediately.
You must always be well-presented when attending work.
(Shorts, track pants, leggings are not acceptable) You will be notified of any site-specific rules or further PPE requirements when you are assigned to a specific job.
While onsite, if you are ever asked to complete a task that you believe is unsafe or beyond your training or capabilities, please STOP. Discuss the task with your supervisor and if you are still unsure, call Chandler immediately.
Shift times vary from site to site. It is at the discretion of the supervisor to shorten shifts; however, you will be paid for a minimum of 4 hours.
Shift times vary from site to site. It is at the discretion of the supervisor to shorten shifts; however, you will be paid for a minimum of 4 hours.
All incidents, accidents, and near misses must be reported. Please follow the site protocols and report to Chandler. If you are injured, please seek site First Aid immediately and have someone notify your supervisor.
Our office hours are 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM from Monday-Friday.
If you need to contact us after office hours, please call the number below
Only suitable candidates will be contacted due to high application numbers. Our consultants will try to reach eligible candidates within 1-3 days.
All candidates need to be fully vaccinated.
Chandler Personnel offers its candidates work to suit their needs. We offer full-time, part-time, and casual work.
We conduct reference checks online using the Free Automated Reference checking platform Ref Hub
This allows you as the candidate to submit reference details online or on mobile and gives your referee an easy way to submit the reference.
Still, have Questions?
Contact us 24/ 7 365 days a year.